Modernization of Investment Order Management System


In the rapidly evolving world of financial technology, keeping up with the latest tools and technologies is paramount. This case study explores the successful modernization of a legacy investment order management system by rewriting three 15-year-old C++ applications into a single, efficient RESTful Groovy/React application. 

This modernization project not only involved rewriting the code but also encompassed the overhaul of development tools, process improvements within the Agile team, and the creation of a cutting-edge Java-based order manager and router.


1. Legacy Codebase: The existing C++ applications were not only outdated but also poorly documented, making it challenging to understand their intricacies and functionalities.

2. Inefficient Processes: The Agile team was struggling with inefficient development processes, leading to delays and miscommunication.

3. Scalability: The client wanted a system that could scale to meet their future needs, accommodating a growing number of orders and clients.

4. Integration: Integration with other financial systems was a critical requirement, demanding a robust and flexible solution.


1. Code Rewrite:** The first step was to rewrite the three separate C++ applications into a single, modern RESTful Groovy/React application. This new architecture not only improved system efficiency but also made it more accessible for future enhancements and maintenance.

2. Tool Modernization:** The development team transitioned to modern development tools and technologies, including using Git for version control, Jenkins for continuous integration, and Docker for containerization. These tools streamlined development and deployment processes.

3. Agile Process Improvements:** Agile development processes were revamped. Daily stand-up meetings were implemented to improve communication within the team. Additionally, backlog grooming and sprint planning sessions were introduced to enhance project management.

4. Java Order Manager/Router:** As part of the modernization effort, a Java-based order manager and router were developed. This next-generation system was designed for scalability, low-latency execution, and seamless integration with various financial systems and exchanges.


1. Enhanced Efficiency: The modernized system streamlined order processing, reducing latency and improving response times, ultimately enhancing the client's competitive edge in the market.

2. Scalability: The new architecture ensured the system's ability to scale horizontally and vertically, accommodating the client's future growth without significant infrastructure changes.

3. Improved Team Collaboration: The Agile process improvements led to better collaboration within the team, resulting in faster issue resolution and improved productivity.

4. Integration: The new Java-based order manager and router facilitated seamless integration with various financial systems and exchanges, enhancing the client's ability to trade across different platforms.


The successful modernization of the investment order management system not only addressed the challenges posed by legacy systems but also positioned the client as a forward-thinking financial institution capable of meeting the demands of a rapidly evolving industry. This case study serves as a testament to the importance of keeping technology and processes up to date to remain competitive and efficient in the financial sector.