Reinventing Indoor Air Quality & Energy Analysis with SaaS


The importance of monitoring and analyzing indoor air quality and energy usage has grown exponentially, especially in the face of environmental and health concerns. This case study delves into the transformative efforts of a Senior Software Engineer working for the client, a cloud based energy tracking SaaS, tasked with enhancing the platform's capabilities and infrastructure for better scalability and resilience.

Challenges and Achievements

1. Single Sign-On (SSO) Implementation: Recognizing the need for streamlined and secure user authentication, the engineer incorporated Single Sign-On using Okta, Spring Security, OIDC, and SAML 2. This achievement bolstered user convenience and security simultaneously.

2. Serverless Computing with Lambda: To foster a more scalable and cost-effective system, the engineer developed Lambda functions using TypeScript, alongside the support of DynamoDB and Kinesis. This move heralded a significant shift towards a serverless architecture, optimizing performance and operational costs.

3. Database Migration: The platform underwent a strategic database transition from a sharded MongoDB cluster to DynamoDB. This migration was pivotal in enhancing the platform's efficiency, especially in terms of data accessibility and management.

4. Infrastructure Refactoring: Prioritizing scalability and resilience, the infrastructure underwent a comprehensive refactoring. Using Amazon Machine Images (AMIs) and Auto Scaling Groups, the platform's resilience was dramatically enhanced, ensuring uninterrupted service even during peak loads.

5. Harnessing Modern Technologies: Embracing a myriad of contemporary technologies such as Java 15, Spring Boot, React, and Gradle, the platform was further optimized. Jenkins was utilized for CI/CD, ensuring a smooth development and deployment cycle.


- Enhanced User Experience: The implementation of Single Sign-On delivered a seamless and secure user authentication process, greatly improving user experience.


- Optimized Data Analysis: The shift to serverless computing with Lambda, coupled with DynamoDB and Kinesis, facilitated real-time and accurate data analysis, offering users valuable insights.

- Robust Database Management: Transitioning to DynamoDB from MongoDB significantly bolstered data management capabilities, ensuring efficient storage and quick retrieval.

- Scalability and Resilience: The revamped infrastructure, backed by AMIs and Auto Scaling Groups, guaranteed the platform's performance even during high demand, ensuring service continuity.

- Agile Development Cycle: The integration of modern technologies and CI/CD tools streamlined the development process, enabling quicker iterations and deployments.


The meticulous efforts of our engineer at this client exemplify the transformative power of adopting advanced technologies and methodologies in the realm of indoor air quality and energy analysis. The comprehensive overhauls made to the platform not only elevated its operational efficiency but also positioned it at the forefront of the industry, prepared to meet the ever-growing demands and challenges of the future.